简介:吉(🏡)娜·戴维(👘)斯(Geena Davis),1956年1月21日生于马萨诸塞州的韦勒姆镇。吉娜从小就梦想当一名女演员(🤙),高中时候因身材过(🍆)高没能当上啦啦队长。中学毕业(🏪)后进入新英格(🔫)兰学院深造,第二年转往波士顿大学学习戏剧。1979年大学毕业(🤩)后移民纽约,开始职业生涯,当过(🎨)售货员、女服务生,并尝试寻找当模特的机会。23岁那年,终于成为签约模特。当模特期(🌕)间被好莱坞制片兼导演悉德尼·波拉克看中,在《宝(❌)贝》(Tootsie) (1982)中饰演了一个小角色,获得好评,从此进入影坛。Adam Rose began his career in entertainment some thirteen years ago when his older brother was approached in the park and asked to audition for a commercial. Days later Rose, along with mother and brother sat in a manager's office, when he stood and interrupted "I want to act. I want a contract." Though only 8 at the time, his charm resonated with the manager who agreed to sign him. A short year later Rose made his debut opposite Robin Wil...