简介:現年37歲的詹姆斯提瑞(James Thiérrée)是瑞士(🕷)人,他的曾外祖父是默劇大師卓別林(Charlie Chaplin)。提瑞從小跟著父母(🧘)在馬戲團裡工作,4歲時就随團到世界各地巡迴表演。提瑞曾在義大利的米蘭戲劇(🏞)學校受過完整的表演訓練,之於導演、演員、舞蹈、音樂、啞劇、魔術與(♌)特技等,無一不精。1998年,提瑞成立自己的專屬公司,並(🥍)展演了第(🈁)一場主秀,內容竟涵蓋了戲劇、特技、雜耍、舞蹈、音(🏌)樂與歌劇所有元素,才華橫溢驚艷各(⏯)界!他於是帶(🧑)著這(💂)場秀,作全世界的巡迴(🔅)表演。2007年,提...Shawn Peter Raul Mendes (/ˈmɛndɛz/; European Portuguese: [ˈmẽdɨʃ]; born August 8, 1998) is a Canadian singer and songwriter. He attracted a following in 2013 when he began posting song covers on the video-sharing application Vine. The following year, he caught the attention of artist managers Andrew Gertler and Island Records A&R Ziggy Chareton, which led to him signing a deal with the record label.