简介:姚炜本名金瑛瑛,四(🐚)十年代末出生于上海。自幼爱好唱歌,一次在歌厅被歌唱老师许佩邀请上台代唱,从此一鸣惊人,获歌厅邀请加盟,并于1973年在港开(👬)始职业演唱(🌱)。她曾(❓)是丽的电视的合约歌(🗾)星,也曾与宝丽金(⛱)签下唱片合约。姚炜常受邀到东南亚各地登台演出。与新加坡颇有渊源的姚炜,早年经常来新登台。曾受邀在台北大歌厅驻唱两年之久。 姚炜歌而优则演,于1978年签约香港无线电视。电视作(😅)品包括《势不两立》、《奋(😦)斗》、《无双谱》、《情谜》、《飞鹰》、《神探霹雳》、《北斗双雄》...At the age of nine in 1979, the Vietnam-born actress and her seven year-old sister were separated from their parents and left their village in central Vietnam as boat people. Their father and older brother had made the trip the year before and their mother stayed behind with her other children. The sisters lived in refugee camps in Hong Kong for three months where they were reunited with their father, then emigrated to California the Unite...