简介:中(📚)村狮童,日本男演员,出(🌾)身(🕰)日本歌舞伎世家,父亲及叔父都(✏)是歌舞伎演员,他自幼接(🍎)受日本传统戏剧训(🚚)练,一九八一年时(😃)已开始参(👃)与歌舞伎的演出,近年转战电影界。2002年主演电影《乒乓》,同年开始拍剧,正式踏足电影及电视界。中村在日本属于性格演员,每(📐)次演出都甚为抢镜,电影《乒乓》的演出,他终于跳出传统歌舞伎仃的框框,以光(🚚)头造型配上没有眉毛的造型,极为突出!《乒乓(👟)》令他获得日本奥斯卡最佳新人赏。在《借着雨点说爱你》中,中村饰演不善于表达爱意的父亲,电影在日...Born in Moseley, Birmingham, England, and a life-long Birmingham City Football Club fan (known as 'The Blues', the working class team of the area). The son of a builder (deceased) and a homemaker (deceased), David (Dave) Mitchell began as an actor in theatre, performing at the 1989 Covent Garden International Street Artists Festival. His debut play 'ZooZooZoo' which he wrote, acted and directed was performed at the 1990 Edinburgh Fringe Fe...