简介:程之(💍)(1926—1995),原名会春、(🕌)春荪,祖籍湖南宁乡,1926年2月3日出生于湖北武昌,1928年随祖父举家迁至上海定居。程之出(🤣)生于书香门第,祖父程颂万,号十(🕔)发居士(🌴),精通诗词、书画、篆刻,清末曾任湖(💕)南岳麓书院学堂监督(院长),父亲程君谋,是著名京剧票友,曾灌(🕯)制、出版唱片十余张(🐞),并整理、出版潭派代表剧目多出,五十年代末受聘为上海文史研究馆馆员。程之自幼喜爱京剧,六岁便(🐔)无师自通学回了拉(🐠)京胡,八岁到电台播音,唱京剧,十一岁时就灌制了(🥍)京剧唱片《御果园》,...Loveleen Tandan is an Indian film director and casting director. She is the "Co-Director: India" of the four time Golden Globe, seven time BAFTA Award and eight Academy Award winning (including best picture) Slumdog Millionaire (2008), for which she shared a New York Film Critics Online Award, Rotterdam International Film Festival Award and Amanda Awards, Norway, of "Best Director" with Danny Boyle. She has also been the Casting Director f...