简介:黎频,原名李菊萍,北京人。早年曾就读于北京师大附小和北京师大附中。参加过(🆘)一二·九学生运动,加入抗日救亡及民族先锋队。1944年到上海,入塔斯社苏联之声广播电台(🐝)做播音员,并入(📽)苦干剧团(📊)任演员(🗿)。抗战胜利后,入上海观众演出公司(🕟)任演员,并在“中电”二厂和文华影片公司任演员。1949年加入苏南军区文工团,1950年转业到北京人民艺术剧院任演员。演出过《虎符》、《北京人》、《龙须沟》、《烈火红(👙)心》、《茶馆》等话剧。还拍过《带后院的四合院》、《小墩(🧔)子(🎢)》、《小楼风景》...He was the catalyst for a new revival of Korean cinema when Korean cinema was at a decline in the 1970s. He majored in film directing at UCLA and returned to Korea in 1972 to make his directorial debut with the symbolist film, The Pollen of Flowers (Hwabun). He only made 7 movies before his untimely death. He criticized Korean movies and created a new visual aesthetic through experimentation, struggling to truthfully portray the society o...