简介:1955年出生,黑龙江人。曾(🏓)任中国交响乐团合唱团副团长。主演(😲)或参加过演出的歌剧作品有《江姐》、(💇)《忆娘》、《朱(🚣)梦》、《我(🧝)爱祖国的蓝天》等。参与策划了“伏尔加之声”、“永远的王洛宾”、“世界电影(🍕)歌曲”等多台音乐会。其中为庆祝中华人民共和国建(🧔)国五十周年而演出的“中华五十六个民族合唱音乐会”受到了文化部、中宣部的嘉奖(😛)。曾于1979年随团赴藏为部队官兵进(🌰)行了为期近40天的慰问演出并作为5人演出小分队成员之一登上了世界(💷)最高的雷达站(建在海拔5300多米的干巴拉山上)...The Rio de Janeiro-born Cauã Reymond is one of the most renowned names of the new generation of Brazilian actors. Since his debut in 2002, he has interpreted more than 30 roles in feature films and television. In his decade-long career, the young actor gained recognition not only for the quality of his performances on the big screen, but also for choosing challenging and diverse roles. The same applies to the trajectory of Reymond on te...