简介:梁山(1906一1991 )原名梁笃生。祖籍河北高阳,生于保定(🐆)。曾就读于保定育德中学、(💩)北京四中。1927年考入北京美术学(🌮)院,毕业后留校任助(🔪)教。1930年考入北京联华电影五厂演员训练班(🏑),结业时与学员们拍摄了无声电影《故宫新怨》。1933年,休教从艺,由金焰(🍵)推荐进上海联华影业公司,后入艺华电影公司,曾(🚀)为阮玲玉、高占非主演的《归来》、《母性之光》、《良霄》设计并绘(🏤)制布景。客串演出《母性之光》、《逃亡》、《忿怒火焰》、《黄(🏣)金时代》、《百宝图》、《广陵潮》、《花烛之夜》...Born in Bristol, South West England, Dominique began dancing at the age of 4 and after quickly discovering her passion for all performing arts trained in acting, singing and all genres of dance to become as versatile a performer as possible. Being brought up around an incredible family she learnt at a very young age that anything is possible. At 16 years old Dominique went on to train for 3 years at Laine Theatre Arts and prior to gradua...