简介:田村 正和(🍮)(1943年8月1日—)是日本演员。京都府京都市右京区出生,成城大学经济学部文芸学科毕业。新和事务所所属。父亲是日(👸)本(🙌)电影明星阪东妻三郎。与长兄田村高广、弟田村亮共(🏃)称(♿)“田村三兄弟”。1967年以“永远的(💄)人”一片出道,早年以电影演出为主,之后以电视时代剧“眠狂四(🐠)郎”受到瞩目。Mamet is the daughter of American playwright, essayist, screenwriter, and film director David Mamet and actress Lindsay Crouse. Her maternal grandfather was playwright Russel Crouse,who co-wrote such classic American musicals as "Anything Goes" and "The Sound of Music."and one of her maternal great-grandfathers was educator John Erskine. She has a sister named Willa, who works as a photographer, and two half-siblings, Clara--who is also a...