简介:布鲁诺·杜蒙(😲)是当今法国值得推崇和(➰)颇具争议的导演之(🛹)一。哲学硕士出身的他在80年代曾是广告片导演、电视编导。1997年,他的第一部故事长片《人之(👠)子》(La Vie de Jésus)一鸣惊人,在戛纳国际电影节获得金摄影机特别奖,同时在芝(📗)加哥、圣保罗以至伦敦影展上大获好评。1999年的《人性》(L'Humanité)颇具冰(🐯)冷疏离(📢)、极度内敛的禁欲主义风格,荒凉压抑。影片以黑(🤬)马姿态连获戛纳评审(➗)团大奖、最佳女演员及最佳男演(🎊)员三项(🤱)大奖。2003年的《29片棕榈叶》(Twentynine Palms)继续在受关...Her first professional role was as the young Beatrix Potter in the 2006 British-American film Miss Potter. Boynton has said that the first day of filming Miss Potter was "the best day of [her] life."[2] In 2007, Boynton was nominated for the Young Artist Award for Best Performance in a Feature Film – Supporting Young Actress, for Miss Potter, but did not win.