类型:动作,战争,冒险 地区:中国大陆 年份:2019
简介:玛(🔼)丽·(😞)谢尔顿,美国(🎾)女演员。母亲是音乐教师,父亲是歌舞剧导演兼制作人。金发碧眼的玛丽长相酷似(🌻)好莱坞女星西瑟·格拉厄姆((👄)Heather Graham),受家庭艺术熏陶,她从小就展露了表演天赋。 90年代初,她在许多音乐舞台剧中扮演了配角,并由此(🚪)开始了自己的表演生涯。2002年,她接拍了《沙地》,在片中扮(🔎)演一个女妖精。其精彩绝伦的表演天赋,迄今还让许多影(👋)迷津津乐道。但最让(🍯)她知(🔓)名的还是在著名导演奥利弗·斯通的传记片《尼克松》中扮演美国前总统的小女儿。她把一个正在上高中...Michel is a first generation American born in Manhattan on April 16,1960 to parents who narrowly survived the Holocaust. They themselves sprung from the Great Diaspora, which began for their parents in Moscow, Odessa, Kiev and the Ukraine. Michel's mother, Nadine Gill, lives in New York, his father, James Vladimir Gill, lived in Switzerland until his death in 1995. James was less pre-occupied with having survived the horrible events of the...