简介:于晓光曾是国家(😌)一级运动(👅)员,练过十年游泳,五年皮划艇,并且多次夺得过全国冠军,2002年初,于晓光在机缘巧合之下由广(🚡)州赶至深圳参加了由深圳广电集团主办的第二届“青春之星”大(😨)赛,未曾料到,一举夺得总冠军、最受媒体欢迎奖与最具青春智慧奖,于晓光开玩笑称:“我也算是内地最早的(🍹)选秀前辈了吧。” 获得第二届青春之星冠军后,于晓光选择进(🎈)入中央戏剧学院表演系学习表演,从此走上演艺之路。虽然转换前行跑道(❇),但于晓光依然(🧀)没有舍弃运动员那种刻苦勤奋、拼搏进取的精神,不...Jake Busey is an American actor, musician and film producer. He is sometimes credited as "Jacob Busey". He is the son of actor Gary Busey. Busey was born in Los Angeles, and raised in Malibu, California. He spent his childhood on film sets and touring with bands in which his father played. He began considering his career choices at the age of five when he took up the two hobbies that grew into professions: acting and playing drums. His mot...